4.0 Farm Enterprise Plan

Enterprise Plan

It is important to create an Enterprise Plan for each of the enterprises that you are interested in doing, the resources below will assist you in creating these.

Activity: Create an Enterprise Plan for each enterprise.

Use the New Farm Start-Up Guide (p.35-42), and work through the components of each enterprise budget:

  1. Goals of the enterprise
  2. Marketing plan
  3. Production plan (materials and labour)
  4. Human resources plan
  5. Financial plan
  6. Follow-up plan
  7. Exit plan

Use these resources to guide you:

“You can’t subsidize an enterprise, you have to make sure the enterprise is sustainable. You have to break enterprises all apart and keep records all separate, otherwise the numbers are all messed up. For example, I lost this much money on my cow-calf operation this year, but my grass-fed beef made up for it. But if you lump them together, you don’t know. This enterprise is barely making any money, but really, your grass-finished beef is making money, and the cows are dragging you down, so you have to adjust.” – Dezmond Allen (Regenerative Pasture Systems)
Dezmond feeding his cattle


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